Rise of the Dragons

The Light Lives in YOU!


*Before using a tool for any type of ritual, it's wise to consecrate them; which is a ritual to dedicate certain tools to certain purposes. A blessing also serves this purpose.
*A Book of Shadows, or Grimoire, is a book containing religious text and instructions for magical rituals, spells, potions, etc... the pioneer version of this tool was made by Gerald Gardner, "The Father of Wicca."
*A Paten, or Diskos,--is a small plate, usually silver or gold, is commonly the center piece of an altar and is used to hold Eucharistic Bread.
*Athames are ceremonial blades generally made with black handles, and used as a focal point in magical traditions; sadly though they are often associated with Satanism.
*Wands are thin, light-weight rods; held with one hand and traditionally made of wood, they are symbolic for air and air witches.
*Caduccus--the staff carried by the Greek God, Hermes, as well as other Heralds.
*Chalice--a common cleansing tool in witchcraft.
*Boline--a white-handled knife, sometimes with a curved blade like a crescent moon. Uses include harvesting herbs, inscribing candles, etc...
*Censer--vessels made for burning incense or perfume in some solid form.
*Incense--an aromatic biotic tool that releases fragrant smoke when burned. Tends to promote balance, pure energy, and a number of other positives.
*Scourge--a whip or lash, usually multi-thonged, used in severe and corporal punishment.
*Cords--a practice made from knotted cord or hair, that normally constitutes a spell. Usually has special charms knotted or braided into it, and commonly used in a Witch's Ladder!
*Besom/Broom--used in handfasting ceremonies, when a couple jumps over it.
*Cauldron--sometimes used to represent the womb of a Goddess, and commonly used for making brews (oils), incense burning, and can be used to hold large; wide pillar candles.
*Burin--consists of round-handled like a mushroom, and a tempered steel shaft; coming from the handle at an angle, and ending in a very sharp-cut face.
*Smudge Stick--a ceremonial tool that involves the burning of sacred herbs to bless or cleanse.
Everything Herbs imageEverything Herbs imageEverything Herbs image
1. Attributes: beauty, protection, success, peace
2. Uses: aloe has always been known for its' healing qualities. Great for treating wounds and maintaining healthy skin. May be applied to burns, sunburns, relieves poison ivy rashes, helps to combat a variety of bacteria that commonly causes infections. Good additive for soaps and creams as a conditioner, and can be refrigerated for multiple uses.
1. Attributes: protection & exorcism
2. Uses: grown in gardens as a protector, and leaves are burned during an exorcism.
1. Attributes: love spells & good luck
1. Attributes: protection and luck
2. Uses: making brooms, purification, making wands, healing purposes. Leaves under a pillow induce psychic dreams, and carried around neck for luck.
1. Attributes: protection, purification, awareness, joy
2. Uses: treats coughs, bronchitis, and a stuffy nose. A good breath freshener in the morning, and will prevent bad dreams if kept by the bed. A digestive aid, and relieves upset tummies if used in teas. Treats colic relieves menopause, and supports milk production; 1 tsp. of seeds for 1 cup of boiled water, steep from 10-20 mins., then strain. Ingest 3 cups a day!
*Balm of Gilead:
1. Uses: buds are carried to ease a broken heart; can be added to love and protection charms and spells.
1. Attributes: protection, love, wealth, healing, relationships, ensures faithfulness in mate, courage, fertility, exorcism
2. Uses: teas for calm nerves, and settles tummy. Eases cramps, and good for bladder. Good hair rinse for brunettes, used in purification for bath sachets, and added to love sachets and incense.
*Bay Laurel:
1. Attributes: wisdom, protection, psychic powers, banishes negative energy
2. Uses: NOT FOR INTERNAL USES! Use as a poultice on chest for bronchitis and chest colds.
*Bay Leaves:
1. Attributes: psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil
1. Uses: purification incenses, preserves oils, and preparations
1. Uses: add to incenses of protection and purification. Stuff in pillow to prevent nightmares.
1. Attributes: protection & passion
2. Uses: add to sachets and charms to attract a lover in the more physical aspect. Mild stimulant for digestion.
1. Uses: worn for protection during "Burning Times," adds energy and power to a ritual when used as an incense.
1. Attributes: cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love
2. Uses: flowers and leaves treat colds and insomnia. Lowers fevers, dries nasal drip, gets rid of headaches, and relieves achy bones and flus when used in teas 2-3 times daily. Used to consecrate magical tools.
1. Uses: helps escape unfair imprisonment and entrapment, cures depression
1. Attributes: meditation, centering, peace, protection, healing, money
2. Uses: calms (internal and external) digestion, fevers, burns, anti-inflammatory, sedative, relieves tummy aches in infants and small children. Insect repellant, hair rinse for blondes, planted in a garden as a guardian to the land.
1. Attributes: luck in love, draw a beloved in, induces contact with loved ones passed
1. Attributes: spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing, clairvoyance, spiritual vibrations, aphrodisiac for men, prosperity charms
2. Uses: skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. Good balance after a heavy meal. Good aromatic and makes a good anointing oil.
1. Uses: connection to death and consecration of ritual objects.
1. Attributes: associated with the Triple Goddess, beauty, youth, heals injuries, cures madness, a 4-leaf clover enables one to see fairies, general good luck charm
1. Attributes: toothaches, colds, nausea, vomiting, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic
2. Uses: worn in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and binds those who speak ill of you. When strung on a red thread, can be worn as a protective charm.
1. Attributes: safe travel, money, healing, honoring the Crone, aspect of the Goddess
2. Uses: slows bleeding, aids against colds, eases burns. Used as a tea or poultice, may be used to heal bites, sores, rashes, broken bones, and cuts.
1. Attributes: protection, serenity, peace, ritual drinks, longevity, love
2. Uses: love potions, love sachets, and love charms.
1. Attributes: happiness, Blessings of Fae, luck, blessings, attract a beloved
1. Attributes: divination, welcoming, messages
2. Uses: root is a good coffee substitute. Cleansing tonic, diuretic, tummy problems, cures warts, good for night blindness.
1. Uses: love charms, and it may be hung in a child's room to protect them from nightmares.
*Dragon's Blood:
1. Attributes: love, protection, purification, cures impotency, good luck
1. Attributes: raising spirits, meditation
1. Uses: branches are used for wands. Permissions are needed from the Elder Dryad before use.
1. Uses: heals/cures colds, sore throats, and congestion.
1. Uses: anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyance and psychic dreams.
1. Attributes: purification, protection, healing, money
2. Uses: appetite suppressant, digestive aid, used in tea to expel mucus, chew the seeds for bad breath, use the fluid to rub on gums.
1. Uses: protection from evil and negativity.
1. Uses: meditation aid, purifies ritual spaces to invoke a spiritual frame of mind.
1. Uses: to attract a true love
1. Attributes: protection, healing, good wealth, courage, exorcism
2. Uses: eases tension, colds, and circulation. Disinfects wounds; soothes rheumatic pain, toothaches, and blood pressure.
1. Attributes: power, success, love, money
2. Uses: ingest for colds in tea form. Soothes cramps, digestion, migraines, nausea, stiffness, and circulation. Detoxifies meat, especially chicken.
Healers Tea:
pinch of peppermint, pinch of ginger, either clove powder or two bruised cloves, 1 cup of hot water; steep
1. Attributes: love, wishes, beauty, desire, stimulant, tonic, prolonged life, pain killer, blood circulation, etc...
1. Uses: protection sachets, promotes happiness, bad luck to cut it down, burn the berries when a change is needed.
1. Attributes: all-purpose wand, divination, good luck
1. Uses: attract a female's love, fly ointment. TOXIC: PROCEED WITH CAUTION IN ANY USE!
1. Attributes: prosperity spells & love
1. Uses: protection against evil, masculinity, virility to attract a lover
1. Uses: healing incenses and charms. A mild sedative and sleep aid.
1. Attributes: purification baths, protective and banishing spells, cleansing, consecration, dragon energy
1. Uses: protects the house from evil, given to newly weds for luck.
1. Attributes: love spells, charms, sachets, tool used to seduce men
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Uses: protection against accidents, harm, and theft. Berries are used to attract lovers, and once dried are worn as a charm.
*Lemon Balm:
1. Uses: love potions, aphrodisiac, fertility, antidepressant. Drink as an infusion to soothe emotional pain.
1. Attributes: sleep, long life, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, attracting men, clarity of thought
2. Uses: mild infusions make good sedatives, headache treatment and digestive aid, used in oil to cure cuts, burns, bites, and so much more!
*Lemon Verbena:
1. Attributes: love charms, youth, beauty, prevents dreams
1. Attributes: purification, love, blessings
2. Uses: sweetens breath, antiseptic, antibacterial, hypotensive. For chills and sore throat; mix lemon juice, honey, and warm water 3 times daily. For nose bleeds; apply cotton soaked in lemon juice.
1. Attributes: protection, warding off evil, banishing spells, beauty, love, harmony, balance
1. Uses: associated with conjugal love or attraction and longevity
1. Uses: add the dried and powdered root to cleansing and purification baths to release negativity. Carry to attract love and attention of the opposite sex.
1. Uses: protection charms, fertility, cures impotency, sleep with the root to charge your energy 3 nights before a full moon.
1. Attributes: prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, renewing personal energy
2. Internal Uses: infusion of flowers is used for the flu, fever, rheumatism, jaundice, and menstruation.
3. External Uses: burns, chapped hands, varicose veins, eczema, inflammation
1. Attributes: protection, love, healing
1. Attributes: protects against evil influences, promotes love, balance, harmony, sacred to druids, wear at Lammas to join with the Goddess
1. Attributes: money, healing, strength, augment power, luck, travel
2. Uses: upset tummies, flu, hiccups, head colds, asthma, headaches, respiratory and circulatory systems, anti-inflammatory, indigestion, flatulence, varicose veins, skin irritations, and more...
1. Attributes: protection, attract love, conception
*Mug Wort:
1. Attributes: clairvoyance, psychic dreams, astral projection, protection
1. Attributes: courage, protection from wild animals, protection from evil spirits, cleansing of ritual and psychic places before and after use, cleansing and purification of altar and tools
1. Magical Uses: protection and purification incenses for ritual areas and consecration.
2. Common Uses: insect repellant, bad breath, gum problems
1. Uses: Goddess Venus used it in love charms and spells. Grow indoors for luck. Carry to attract love. Wear fresh while making love potions, charms or during rituals for love.
1. Attributes: adverts danger, protection, healing, courage, antidote
2. Uses: USE GLOVES TO HANDLE! High in vitamin C and iron when in tea form, eases asthma and increases energy.
1. Attributes: clairvoyance & psychic power of visions
1. Uses: the dry and powdered peel is added to love and fertility charms.
1. Uses: preform rites, unlucky to cut down, after getting permission burn leaves for purification of ritual space. All-purpose wands. Fertility in women. Sexual appeal by men. Preserve youth, and banish illness.
1. Attributes: protection and healing, absorbs illness
*Ores Root:
1. Attributes: love, sex appeal, charms, amulets, sachets, incenses, baths
1. Attributes: cramps, UTI's, arthritis, insect bites, sprains
2. Any type of culinary use!
1. Attributes: aphrodisiac and attraction for lovers
1. Attributes: AVOID WHILE PREGNANT! protection, weariness, deters insects
*Black Pepper:
1. Uses: in protective charms
1. Attributes: protection against evil influences, hung in doors and windows
1. Uses: detects falsehood; know when others are lying to you
1. Attributes: attunement to nature, centering, cleansing, healing, productivity, purification, fertility
1. Attributes: fertility & prosperity
1. Attributes: love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power, divination
2. Uses: recommended for sore throats and nausea. Hight in vitamin C.
1. Attributes: improves memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellect
1. Attributes: protection, good luck, healing
1. Attributes: protection, prevent illnesses, clearness of mind, purification
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Attributes: prosperity, healing, prowess in men
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter/Venus, Air
2. Attributes: fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, healing, health
*St. John's Wort:
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
1. G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Air
2. Attributes: purification, protection, healing
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Used to welcome the sun into the garden.
1. Attributes: sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing, purification incense, magical cleansing baths, renewal of energy, warding off negative energy
1. Used in warm milk to regulate menstruation.
1. Attributes: love, calming, sleep, purification, relaxing baths
1. Uses: in love charms; oil is worn as an aphrodisiac.
1. Uses: ritual cleansing or sacred space, magical cleansing baths, purification incenses, good luck, inspiration
1. Attributes: love charms, eliminates headaches, good luck, relaxation
1. Uses: carry the nut as a charm to promote fertility and strengthen the heart
1. Attributes: healing, Blessings of the Moon, water witching, dowsing
*Witch Hazel:
1. Attributes: protection, chastity, healing the heart
1. Attributes: protection from wandering spirits, divination, clairvoyance, releases the dead so they may move on.
1. Attributes: courage, love, marriage charms, dispelling negativity, psychic abilities, divination

Wiccan Holiday Backstories:

Based on a Celtic tradition, Imbolc was meant to mark the halfway point between winter solstice and the spring equinox in Neolithic Ireland and Scotland. The holiday is celebrated by Wiccans and other practitioners of neopagan or pagan-influenced religions.

Leemage via Getty Images Ostara celebrates the Spring Maiden and Horned God. Ostara, or Eostra, is an Anglo-Saxon goddess who represents dawn. As a spring goddess she oversees the budding plants and burgeoning fertility of the earth.

May 1 marks the Celtic festival of Beltane, also referred to as May Day, which many neopagans and Wiccans around the world observe to celebrate the onset of summer.

“Litha” is the name given to the Wiccan Sabbat celebrated at the Summer Solstice. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year, marking the pinnacle of the Sun’s power to fuel the growing season. From here on out, the Sun will set a little earlier each night until Yule, and so we recognize and give thanks for its warmth.

Lughnasadh, also called Lammas, /wildhunt.org/2015/07/a-blessed-lughnasadh-7.html”}}” data-beacon-parsed=”true”>falls on August 1, roughly halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. 2. The name of the holiday derives from Old Gaelic and is a combination of Lugh, a Celtic god, and násad, or assembly.

Mabon is a harvest festival, the second of three, that encourages pagans to “reap what they sow,” both literally and figuratively. It is the time when night and day stand equal in duration; thus is it a time to express gratitude, complete projects and honor a moment of balance.

Samhain (/ˈsɑːwɪn, ˈsaʊɪn/; Irish: [ˈsˠəuɪnʲ] Scottish Gaelic: [ˈs̪ãũ.ɪɲ]) is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 31 October to 1 November, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.

In most forms of Wicca, Yule is celebrated at the winter solstice as the rebirth of the Great horned hunter god, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun.
Wiccan Holidays imageWiccan Holidays image
Deities imageDeities imageDeities image
*Wiccan Gods*
Adonis - Greek God of rebirth and vegetation, worshipped in mystery religions for untold eons Apollo - Greek/Roman young solar God, God of light, truth and prophecy, God of archery, medicine and healing, God of music, poetry, and the arts Anubis - Egyptian God of the Dead Aten - Egyptian Supreme God, solar deity Brahma - Hindu Creator God Coyote - First Nations Trickster God Cernunnos - Celtic God of the Wild Hunt, fertility and masculine energy Dagda - Irish Father God, somewhat comical and bawdy Dionysus - Greek/Roman God of wine, of ritual ecstasy, God of agriculture, music, and theatre, communication between living and dead Eros - Greek God of sexuality and fertility Ganesh - Hindu God with elephant head, remover of obstacles, God of beginnings, patron of arts and sciences, of intelligence and wisdom Gopala - Hindu Child God, young Krishna, playful and mischevious while always aware of divinity Govinda - Sikh God, preserver, protective father Great Spirit - First Nations supreme Deity, Creator, Source Hades - Greek God of the Underworld and Death Hephaestus - Greek God of the Forge, of technology, craftsmen, sculptors, fire and volcanoes Hermes - Greek God of boundaries and travelers, shepherds and cowherds, orators, writers and poets, invention, commerce, and thieves. Messenger of the Gods. Trickster God. Herne - British God of vegetation, vine, and the wild hunt Holly King - English God of winter (rest, withdrawal) Horus - Egyptian Sky God, God of sun and moon, God of war and the hunt Krishna - Hindu Supreme God, essence of all creation Loki - Norse Trickster God, shape-shifter and gender-changer Lugh - Celtic Sun God, God of smiths and artisans, harvest god Mercury - Roman God of commerce, messenger of the Gods, speed and travel. Mithras - Persian God of light Oak King - English God of summer (expansion, growth, activity) Odin - Norse Father God , God of wisdom, wealth, inspiration, poetry, battle, hunting, magick, prophecy Osiris - Egyptian God of the Underworld and the harvest Pan - Greek nature God, Horned God, god of shepherds and flocks, of wild forests and fields, virility, fertility and spring Ra - Egyptian God, solar deity Rama - Hindu God representing the perfect human man and husband Set/Seth - Egyptian God of chaos, war, storms, desert Shiva - Hindu God, the destroyer of obstacles, transformer Sunna - Norse Sun God Tammuz - Egyptian green God Thoth - Egyptian God of magick and wisdom Vishnu - Hindu God, sustainer Zeus - Father God, Sky God

*Wiccan Gods' Titles*
Child God - Title used for Gods in the form of infants, such as Gopala, Baby Jesus, Horus (also Son God). Father God - Title used for Pagan patriarchs, such as Zeus, Dagda, Odin. Green Man - Title used for the Earth Gods, such as Tammuz, Herne, Dionysus (also Green God). Horned God - Title used for Wiccan Gods of the animals or the hunt, symbolizing virility and strength, such as Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Pashupati. Lover God - Title used for Gods who aspect as consorts of the Goddess and lover to his devotees, such as Krishna, Cernunnos, Pan. Sacrificial Gods - Title used for deities whose ritual sacrifice provides life for the people, such as Osiris, Jesus, Adonis, and other Sun Gods and Green Gods Sun God - Title used for Solar Gods, such as Christ, Sunna, Apollo, Ra. Triple God - Title used for the godhead as a trinity, such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (Strictly speaking, the Christian trinity is not a Triple God since the Holy Ghost was a feminine energy, but it's currently interpreted as masculine so I've included it here.)

*Wiccan Goddesses*
Akhilandeshvari — Hindu Goddess Never— Not— Broken Amaterasu — Japanese sun Goddess Annapurna — Hindu Goddess of Food and Nourishment Aphrodite /Venus — Greek Goddess of love and beauty Artemis/Diana — Greek/Roman Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo, and an Olympian, often associated with the moon Astarte — Phoenician Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war Athena — Greek Goddess of wisdom, defensive and strategic wars Bast — Egyptian solar and war Goddess (in the form of a cat) Baubo — Greek Goddess of mirth, jests, and bawdy humour. A bawdy body goddess, sexuality and play (in an adult sense) and ribald humour, the power of life (in a manifest sense) and procreation and enjoying — even flaunting — flirtation and sexuality. Also the one who teasingly, laughingly tempted Amaterasu out of her cave -ie, brings us out of intellect and isolation into our physical selves and connection. (At least, this is how I understand her.) The Goddess of Having A Good Time! Brighid — Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, and crafts (especially smith-work), holy wells and eternal flames Cerridwen — Celtic Goddess of transformation, of the cauldron of inspiration, of prophecy Cybele — Greek Earth Mother Danu — Irish Mother Goddess Demeter — Greek Goddess of the harvest and of grain, mother of Persephone Durga — Hindu Great Goddess, Divine Mother Eos — Greek Goddess of the dawn Ereshkigal — Mesopotamian Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom Flora — Roman Goddess of flowers Fortuna — Roman Goddess of fortune Freya or Freyja — Norse Goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war Frigg — Norse Goddess of marriage, household management, and love, Queen of Heaven, and wife of Odin Gaia/Earth Mother — The Greek Goddess Gaia is the primordial Goddess of earth, mother and grandmother of the first generation of Titans Hathor — Egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way, Mother Goddess, Goddess of childbirth and death Hecate — Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon Hestia — Greek Goddess of the hearth and domestic life Hel — Norse Goddess daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead Hera — Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage Inanna — Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare Isis — Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog Ishtar — Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war Juno — Roman Queen of the Gods and Goddess of matrimony Kali — Hindu Goddess of Time and Death, slayer of demons, protectress (As Kali Ma: Divine Mother Goddess) Kore — Greek Maiden Goddess of bountiful Earth (See also Persephone) Kuan Yin , Kwan Yin Ma , Quan Yin — Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion Lakshmi — Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility (Goddess as Mother/Sustainer) Lalita — Hindu Goddess of Beauty Luna — Roman Goddess of the Moon Ma'at — Egyptian Goddess, personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order Mary — Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Femininity Maya — Hindu Goddess of Illusion and Mystery Minerva — Roman Goddess of wisdom and war Morrigan — Celtic war Goddess Nut — Egyptian Goddess of heaven and the sky and all celestial bodies Parvati — Hindu Divine Mother, the embodiment of the total energy in the universe, Goddess of Power and Might Pele — Hawai'ian volcano Goddess, Destroyer and Creatrix Persephone — Greek Goddess daughter of Demeter, Queen of the Underworld, also a grain— Goddess, Maiden Goddess Radha — Hindu Divine Mother Rhiannon — Celtic Goddess of the moon Rosmurta — Celtic/Roman Goddess of abundance. She is also the Goddess of Business Success. Saraswati — Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, the Arts, Mathematics, Education, and cosmic Wisdom (Creatrix) Sedna — Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Queen of the Underworld Selene — Greek Goddess of Moon Shakti — Hindu primordial cosmic energy, Great Divine Mother Shekina — Hebrew Goddess of compassion in its purest form (feminine aspect of God) Sita — Hindu Goddess representing perfect womanhood Sol — Norse Sun Goddess Sophia — Greek Goddess of wisdom Spider Woman — Teotihuacan Great Goddess (Creatrix) Tara — Hindu, Mother Goddess, the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life. Tara, Green — Buddhist female Buddha, Tibetan Buddhism - compassion, liberation, success. Compassionate Buddha of enlightened activity Tara, White — Buddhist Goddess known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish— fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra Tara, Red — fierceness, magnetizing all good things Tara, Black — power Tara, Yellow — wealth and prosperity Tara, Blue — transmutation of anger Tiamat — Mesopotamian dragon Goddess, embodiment of primordial chaos (the Velvet Dark) Uma — Hindu Goddess of power, the personification of light and beauty, embodying great beauty and divine wisdom Vesta — Roman Goddess of the hearth Voluptas — Roman Goddess of pleasure Yemaya — Yoruban Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Ocean White Buffalo Calf Woman — Lakota Goddess

*Wiccan Goddesses' Titles*
Crone Goddess —  Title used for Wiccan Goddesses of death, rebirth, and wisdom, such as Cerridwen, and Hecate. Signifying wisdom, mystery, the Gates between the Worlds, etc. Earth Goddess —  Title used for embodiments of the Earth, such as Greek Goddess Gaia, Demeter, Cybele. Great Mother Goddess —  Creatrix existing in most religions, under various names such as Demeter, Gaia, Isis, Parvati (also Great Goddess, Great Mother, Divine Mother). Moon Goddess —  Title used for Goddesses of the Moon, such as Luna, Selene, and Artemis. Mother Goddess —  Title used for the bountiful embodiment of the Earth  (see Earth Goddess).  Signifying life, procreation, fecundity, abundance, etc. Maiden Goddess —  Title used for Goddesses who personify the youthful energy of spring, such as Kore, Diana  (also Virgin Goddess) Queen of Heaven —  Title used for Virgin Mary, Asherah, and possibly other Great Mother Goddesses Queen of the Underworld —  Title used for Ereshkigal, Persephone, and possibly other Death Goddesses Star Goddess —  Primary Goddess, Creatix of All Triple Goddess  —  Worshipped since the 7th millennium BC as the Goddess in three aspects—as a young woman, a birth— giving matron, and an old woman (Maiden— Mother— Crone).  Passed down through the ages into virtually all religions:
  • Parvati-Durga-Uma (Kali) in India
  • Ana-Babd-Macha (the Morrigan), and Brighid in Ireland
  • Hebe-Hera-Hecate, the three Moerae, the three Gorgons, the three Graeae, and the three Horae in Greece
  • the Fates or Fortunae in Romans
  • the Norns to the Vikings
  •  Diana Triformis to the druids 
Virgin Goddess —  Title used for Goddesses who are solitary, choosing to stand alone, without consorts. Signifying Spring, beginnings, innocence, purity, etc.  See also Maiden Goddess.
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