Everything Herbs imageEverything Herbs imageEverything Herbs image
1. Attributes: beauty, protection, success, peace
2. Uses: aloe has always been known for its' healing qualities. Great for treating wounds and maintaining healthy skin. May be applied to burns, sunburns, relieves poison ivy rashes, helps to combat a variety of bacteria that commonly causes infections. Good additive for soaps and creams as a conditioner, and can be refrigerated for multiple uses.
1. Attributes: protection & exorcism
2. Uses: grown in gardens as a protector, and leaves are burned during an exorcism.
1. Attributes: love spells & good luck
1. Attributes: protection and luck
2. Uses: making brooms, purification, making wands, healing purposes. Leaves under a pillow induce psychic dreams, and carried around neck for luck.
1. Attributes: protection, purification, awareness, joy
2. Uses: treats coughs, bronchitis, and a stuffy nose. A good breath freshener in the morning, and will prevent bad dreams if kept by the bed. A digestive aid, and relieves upset tummies if used in teas. Treats colic relieves menopause, and supports milk production; 1 tsp. of seeds for 1 cup of boiled water, steep from 10-20 mins., then strain. Ingest 3 cups a day!
*Balm of Gilead:
1. Uses: buds are carried to ease a broken heart; can be added to love and protection charms and spells.
1. Attributes: protection, love, wealth, healing, relationships, ensures faithfulness in mate, courage, fertility, exorcism
2. Uses: teas for calm nerves, and settles tummy. Eases cramps, and good for bladder. Good hair rinse for brunettes, used in purification for bath sachets, and added to love sachets and incense.
*Bay Laurel:
1. Attributes: wisdom, protection, psychic powers, banishes negative energy
2. Uses: NOT FOR INTERNAL USES! Use as a poultice on chest for bronchitis and chest colds.
*Bay Leaves:
1. Attributes: psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil
1. Uses: purification incenses, preserves oils, and preparations
1. Uses: add to incenses of protection and purification. Stuff in pillow to prevent nightmares.
1. Attributes: protection & passion
2. Uses: add to sachets and charms to attract a lover in the more physical aspect. Mild stimulant for digestion.
1. Uses: worn for protection during "Burning Times," adds energy and power to a ritual when used as an incense.
1. Attributes: cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love
2. Uses: flowers and leaves treat colds and insomnia. Lowers fevers, dries nasal drip, gets rid of headaches, and relieves achy bones and flus when used in teas 2-3 times daily. Used to consecrate magical tools.
1. Uses: helps escape unfair imprisonment and entrapment, cures depression
1. Attributes: meditation, centering, peace, protection, healing, money
2. Uses: calms (internal and external) digestion, fevers, burns, anti-inflammatory, sedative, relieves tummy aches in infants and small children. Insect repellant, hair rinse for blondes, planted in a garden as a guardian to the land.
1. Attributes: luck in love, draw a beloved in, induces contact with loved ones passed
1. Attributes: spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing, clairvoyance, spiritual vibrations, aphrodisiac for men, prosperity charms
2. Uses: skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. Good balance after a heavy meal. Good aromatic and makes a good anointing oil.
1. Uses: connection to death and consecration of ritual objects.
1. Attributes: associated with the Triple Goddess, beauty, youth, heals injuries, cures madness, a 4-leaf clover enables one to see fairies, general good luck charm
1. Attributes: toothaches, colds, nausea, vomiting, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic
2. Uses: worn in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and binds those who speak ill of you. When strung on a red thread, can be worn as a protective charm.
1. Attributes: safe travel, money, healing, honoring the Crone, aspect of the Goddess
2. Uses: slows bleeding, aids against colds, eases burns. Used as a tea or poultice, may be used to heal bites, sores, rashes, broken bones, and cuts.
1. Attributes: protection, serenity, peace, ritual drinks, longevity, love
2. Uses: love potions, love sachets, and love charms.
1. Attributes: happiness, Blessings of Fae, luck, blessings, attract a beloved
1. Attributes: divination, welcoming, messages
2. Uses: root is a good coffee substitute. Cleansing tonic, diuretic, tummy problems, cures warts, good for night blindness.
1. Uses: love charms, and it may be hung in a child's room to protect them from nightmares.
*Dragon's Blood:
1. Attributes: love, protection, purification, cures impotency, good luck
1. Attributes: raising spirits, meditation
1. Uses: branches are used for wands. Permissions are needed from the Elder Dryad before use.
1. Uses: heals/cures colds, sore throats, and congestion.
1. Uses: anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyance and psychic dreams.
1. Attributes: purification, protection, healing, money
2. Uses: appetite suppressant, digestive aid, used in tea to expel mucus, chew the seeds for bad breath, use the fluid to rub on gums.
1. Uses: protection from evil and negativity.
1. Uses: meditation aid, purifies ritual spaces to invoke a spiritual frame of mind.
1. Uses: to attract a true love
1. Attributes: protection, healing, good wealth, courage, exorcism
2. Uses: eases tension, colds, and circulation. Disinfects wounds; soothes rheumatic pain, toothaches, and blood pressure.
1. Attributes: power, success, love, money
2. Uses: ingest for colds in tea form. Soothes cramps, digestion, migraines, nausea, stiffness, and circulation. Detoxifies meat, especially chicken.
Healers Tea:
pinch of peppermint, pinch of ginger, either clove powder or two bruised cloves, 1 cup of hot water; steep
1. Attributes: love, wishes, beauty, desire, stimulant, tonic, prolonged life, pain killer, blood circulation, etc...
1. Uses: protection sachets, promotes happiness, bad luck to cut it down, burn the berries when a change is needed.
1. Attributes: all-purpose wand, divination, good luck
1. Uses: attract a female's love, fly ointment. TOXIC: PROCEED WITH CAUTION IN ANY USE!
1. Attributes: prosperity spells & love
1. Uses: protection against evil, masculinity, virility to attract a lover
1. Uses: healing incenses and charms. A mild sedative and sleep aid.
1. Attributes: purification baths, protective and banishing spells, cleansing, consecration, dragon energy
1. Uses: protects the house from evil, given to newly weds for luck.
1. Attributes: love spells, charms, sachets, tool used to seduce men
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Uses: protection against accidents, harm, and theft. Berries are used to attract lovers, and once dried are worn as a charm.
*Lemon Balm:
1. Uses: love potions, aphrodisiac, fertility, antidepressant. Drink as an infusion to soothe emotional pain.
1. Attributes: sleep, long life, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, attracting men, clarity of thought
2. Uses: mild infusions make good sedatives, headache treatment and digestive aid, used in oil to cure cuts, burns, bites, and so much more!
*Lemon Verbena:
1. Attributes: love charms, youth, beauty, prevents dreams
1. Attributes: purification, love, blessings
2. Uses: sweetens breath, antiseptic, antibacterial, hypotensive. For chills and sore throat; mix lemon juice, honey, and warm water 3 times daily. For nose bleeds; apply cotton soaked in lemon juice.
1. Attributes: protection, warding off evil, banishing spells, beauty, love, harmony, balance
1. Uses: associated with conjugal love or attraction and longevity
1. Uses: add the dried and powdered root to cleansing and purification baths to release negativity. Carry to attract love and attention of the opposite sex.
1. Uses: protection charms, fertility, cures impotency, sleep with the root to charge your energy 3 nights before a full moon.
1. Attributes: prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, renewing personal energy
2. Internal Uses: infusion of flowers is used for the flu, fever, rheumatism, jaundice, and menstruation.
3. External Uses: burns, chapped hands, varicose veins, eczema, inflammation
1. Attributes: protection, love, healing
1. Attributes: protects against evil influences, promotes love, balance, harmony, sacred to druids, wear at Lammas to join with the Goddess
1. Attributes: money, healing, strength, augment power, luck, travel
2. Uses: upset tummies, flu, hiccups, head colds, asthma, headaches, respiratory and circulatory systems, anti-inflammatory, indigestion, flatulence, varicose veins, skin irritations, and more...
1. Attributes: protection, attract love, conception
*Mug Wort:
1. Attributes: clairvoyance, psychic dreams, astral projection, protection
1. Attributes: courage, protection from wild animals, protection from evil spirits, cleansing of ritual and psychic places before and after use, cleansing and purification of altar and tools
1. Magical Uses: protection and purification incenses for ritual areas and consecration.
2. Common Uses: insect repellant, bad breath, gum problems
1. Uses: Goddess Venus used it in love charms and spells. Grow indoors for luck. Carry to attract love. Wear fresh while making love potions, charms or during rituals for love.
1. Attributes: adverts danger, protection, healing, courage, antidote
2. Uses: USE GLOVES TO HANDLE! High in vitamin C and iron when in tea form, eases asthma and increases energy.
1. Attributes: clairvoyance & psychic power of visions
1. Uses: the dry and powdered peel is added to love and fertility charms.
1. Uses: preform rites, unlucky to cut down, after getting permission burn leaves for purification of ritual space. All-purpose wands. Fertility in women. Sexual appeal by men. Preserve youth, and banish illness.
1. Attributes: protection and healing, absorbs illness
*Ores Root:
1. Attributes: love, sex appeal, charms, amulets, sachets, incenses, baths
1. Attributes: cramps, UTI's, arthritis, insect bites, sprains
2. Any type of culinary use!
1. Attributes: aphrodisiac and attraction for lovers
1. Attributes: AVOID WHILE PREGNANT! protection, weariness, deters insects
*Black Pepper:
1. Uses: in protective charms
1. Attributes: protection against evil influences, hung in doors and windows
1. Uses: detects falsehood; know when others are lying to you
1. Attributes: attunement to nature, centering, cleansing, healing, productivity, purification, fertility
1. Attributes: fertility & prosperity
1. Attributes: love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power, divination
2. Uses: recommended for sore throats and nausea. Hight in vitamin C.
1. Attributes: improves memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellect
1. Attributes: protection, good luck, healing
1. Attributes: protection, prevent illnesses, clearness of mind, purification
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Attributes: prosperity, healing, prowess in men
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter/Venus, Air
2. Attributes: fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, healing, health
*St. John's Wort:
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
1. G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Air
2. Attributes: purification, protection, healing
1. G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire
2. Used to welcome the sun into the garden.
1. Attributes: sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing, purification incense, magical cleansing baths, renewal of energy, warding off negative energy
1. Used in warm milk to regulate menstruation.
1. Attributes: love, calming, sleep, purification, relaxing baths
1. Uses: in love charms; oil is worn as an aphrodisiac.
1. Uses: ritual cleansing or sacred space, magical cleansing baths, purification incenses, good luck, inspiration
1. Attributes: love charms, eliminates headaches, good luck, relaxation
1. Uses: carry the nut as a charm to promote fertility and strengthen the heart
1. Attributes: healing, Blessings of the Moon, water witching, dowsing
*Witch Hazel:
1. Attributes: protection, chastity, healing the heart
1. Attributes: protection from wandering spirits, divination, clairvoyance, releases the dead so they may move on.
1. Attributes: courage, love, marriage charms, dispelling negativity, psychic abilities, divination